During the poster session there will also be the opportunity to visit the VR laboratory at the Clausthal Institute for Plant Engineering and Fatigue Analysis, including a virtual tour through a digital factory.
Rui Shi¹, Umut Durak¹ and Sven Hartmann¹
¹Technische Universität Clausthal
Quadcopter Training Simulator for Drone Hobbyists
Sunil Gopalakrishna¹, Gunther Brenner¹ and Diethelm Johannsmann¹
¹Technische Universität Clausthal
Towards the Prediction of the Frequency Shift of Acoustic Sensors using the Frequency-Domain Lattice Boltzmann Method
Roberto Gomes de Aguiar Veiga¹, Marcela Bergamaschi Tercini¹ and
Alejandro Zuñiga¹
¹Universidade Federal do ABC
Local structural changes in a Cu45Zr45Al10 bulk metallic glass during deformation: a Molecular Dynamics study
Gheo R. Fauzi¹, A. Afiat¹ and Yudi Rosandi¹
¹Universitas Padjadjaran
Atomistic simulation on vibration dynamics of water saturated porous silicate material
Jana Huchtkoetter¹ and Andreas Reinhard¹
¹Technische Universität Clausthal
ANNO: A Time Series Annotation Tool to Evaluate Event Detection Algorithms
Hamidreza Farivar¹ and Wolfgang Bleck¹
¹RWTH Aachen
Multi-phase field simulation of core microstructure evolution during post-carburizing heat treatment of case-hardened steel components
Felix Merz¹, Christoph Schwindt¹, Stephan Westphal¹ and Jürgen Zimmermann¹
¹Technische Universität Clausthal
Mechanisms for Scheduling Jobs with Unknown Processing Times on Unrelated Machines
Jonas Prudente¹, Jan Necil¹ and David Sayah²
¹AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke, ²FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Rolling circulation planning of ladle cars in the steel industry
Digital transformation concerns the application of digital technology in all aspects of human society. Due to this development, simulation and modeling techniques have become a central activity in many disciplines including natural science, engineering, economy and social sciences.
Simulation-based analysis and engineering techniques are traditionally a research focus of Clausthal University of Technology and University of Göttingen, which is especially reflected in their common interdisciplinary research cluster “Simulation Science Center Clausthal-Göttingen”.
The second “Clausthal-Göttingen International Workshop on Simulation Science” aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from both industry and academia to report on the latest advances in simulation science.
So far the following speakers are confirmed:
- Benoît Appolaire, University of Lorraine, Nancy (France), LINK
- Thomas Drescher, Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg (Germany)
- Peter Vortisch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), LINK
More details
The workshop considers the broad area of modeling & simulation with a focus on
- Simulation and optimization in networks:
Public & transportation networks, computer & sensor networks, queuing networks, Internet of Things (IoT) environments, simulation of uncertain optimization problems, simulation of complex stochastic systems
- Simulation of materials:
Development and applications of computational techniques in material and process simulation, simulation at micro (atomistic), meso and macro (continuum) scales including scale bridging, diffusive, convective transport and chemical processes in materials, simulation of granular matter
- Distributed simulations:
Technology enabler for distributed simulation (e.g., simulation support for vector and parallel computing architectures, grid-based systems and cloud-based systems), methods for distributed simulation (e.g., agent-based simulation, multi-level simulation, and simulation for big data analytics, fusion and mining), application examples (e.g., simulation-based quality assurance and high-energy physics)
The Book of Abstracts will be published in April 2019.
You can download the Call for Papers here: SWZ_CfP